
Participants that are signed into multiple Google IDs some times have difficulties with accessing the forms after signing in. Please check the following advice, which has been modified from the Google Help Center post about accessing Google Forms.

Please ensure that you are using the correct Google ID by navigating to and checking the current account in the top right corner of the screen. If the account shown IS NOT the Google ID we provided you with, sign out from your other Google account. Then, sign in using the Google ID we provided you with.

If you are using the Google Chrome browser, creating a new profile in the browser with your JSSF Google ID is this easiest way to ensure access to forms while not needing to sign out of your other Google accounts. If you use this profile while interacting with this page, there should be no issues accessing forms.

Form 0 - Letter of Participation
Deadline: April 30, 2024

This form is to be filled out and submitted by schools who will participate in JSSF 2024. Download the necessary Letter of Participation PDF and complete it before filling out the form, as you will be asked to upload it.

Form 1 - Registration Form
Deadline: July 31, 2024

Please prepare and provide information for the chaperoning teacher, principal, and students from your school that will be joining JSSF 2024.
Please do not submit forms for each student individually.

You will also be asked to provide information about oral presentations and project posters your school will present at JSSF 2024. Abstracts will be submitted via Form 7.

The Microsoft Word DOC below is only for schools requiring VISA applications to enter Japan. You should submit it while completing the main Google Form. You can confirm whether or not participants from your school will require a VISA by visiting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website.

Form 2 - Commentator Form
Deadline: July 31, 2024

Please let us know if we can have a participating educator from your school be a commentator at the Oral Research Project Presentation.

Form 3 - Consent to Use of Images & Confirmation of Traveler's Insurance
Deadline: August 31, 2024

Please have each participant from your school (both educators and students) sign and complete the "Consent to Use of Images & Confirmation of Traveler's Insurance" downloadable PDF. After you have collected all of the forms for your school, please scan them and submit them in PDF format by completing the Google Form below.

Form 4 - Cultural Exchange Details
Deadline: August 31, 2024

Please let us know if your school would like to present at either the cultural exchange event (cultural exchange booths) or the cultural presentations.

Form 5 - Activity Preference Form
Deadline: October 7, 2024

We apologize for the delay in making this form available to participants. Please be mindful of the deadline posted above.

Please complete this form to share your participants preferences for events.

Things to keep in mind before you begin to fill out this form:

Form 6 - Flight Information Details
Deadline: September 20, 2024

Participating schools will be responsible for organizing and financing their own flights to and from Kansai International Airport (KIX). Please share the details of your arrival and departure flights with us. If you have multiple groups travelling, please submit this form once for each group of travelers.

While arranging flights, please keep the following five points in mind, paying special attention to #3:

Form 7 - Oral Presentation Abstract
Deadline: September 20, 2024

Please provide the following information about the oral presentation your school will give:

The information provided should match the Registration Form (Form 1). If there are any changes, please indicate that at the end of the form.